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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3 Empty Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

Post  Legend173 Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:27 pm

Name: Callum Lea
PSN: Legend173
Age[minimum 14]: 14 (15 in May)
Can you attend LANs ? If there isn't age restrictions; yes.
Nationality: English.
Location: Berwick-upon-Tweed (Border of England and Scotland).
Hadsete: Yes (USB)
E-Mail Address:
Skype: xCallumUKx
Status: [e.g clanless]: Clan with mates.
Your Style of Play ? Strategic/Rush. Sometimes I just go all out and don't give a damn, however sometimes I think about a route/plan etc.

Why do you want to join ToG? ToG are a well respected and great clan. They've been around for a long time so theres no worries about fair play or disbanding. They've made many great acheivements and I would love to be part of the ToG team.

What do you think you would offer ToG? I'd be able ToG; commitment, an active and skilled (imo Razz) player. I would say I'm an active player and with a few days notice could probably play anytime. Only problem is weekends and a couple of weekdays.

Why choose ToG? Because they are skilled and commited players, always wanting to do the best they can. Also because you are a very talented clan and I would love to be a part of that. I also know a couple of guys and they are really sound guys so I'd expect the whole clan to be like that.

How active are you? As I've stated before, free most nights of the week but just a few problems with Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday just I will be doing things on those days.

How long have you been gaming? Since the PS1 days, only had online on PS3 though which I got on Xmas 07 (Release Date Xmas).

Previous clan: -S- (CG), X-8 [Trial, Ced knows all about that Wink], cC, few others I can't recall.

What would you do? Not Clan War Related

1) You’re in a hard objective game, some of your team gets disconnected. It’s 6vs3, you’re one of the 3. What do you do? Stay calm, keep communicating and attempt to take things in my stride. Just try picking them of one by one.

2) The other team starts to glitch/cheat to kill you. What do you do? Inform the rest of my team and presumably someone on my team will have a camera to take a picture of it.

3) Your playing an objective based mode, how would you help the team? Two things I could do; 1. Just keep going for the objective without giving a damn about K/D or 2. Supporting my team by holding of the opposition.

4) The other team has been beating you the entire round & spawn killing you, there’s 2/3minuites left. What do you do? Try to keep calm, encouraging my team mates to keep at it, in the hope that we can pull it around. If that fails, just pull the plug *jokes* Laughing


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3 Empty Re: Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

Post  Legend173 Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:29 pm

Also forgot to mention a couple of things. I'm in ToG on CG for KZ2. And I have Graphikz on my friends list and I've played with him a couple of times, so if you want a quick indication of how good I am. Cedrick will be happy to oblige, hopefully. Smile


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3 Empty Re: Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

Post  ToG CeD Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:45 pm

Definately a good player, dont know why u aren't in the ingame ladder yet.

One Day...

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Location : Im from LON-DON.

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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3 Empty Re: Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

Post  Legend173 Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:59 pm

Cheers Ced. For who?


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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3 Empty Re: Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:21 pm

yey add me on PS3 and we will have a game
Time For A New Keyboard?

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Age : 31
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Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3 Empty Re: Legend173 / Killzone2 / PS3

Post  Legend173 Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:34 pm

I tried the other day but you had max. friends. I'll try again now.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-03-02

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