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xGUDZx app

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Post  xGUDZx Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:11 pm

Name:tom gudsell
XBL:sold it
Age[minimum 14]:14
Can you attend LANs ? yes
Status: [e.g clanless]no it one
Your Style of Play ? well i like to run and gun but if we are playing an objective game mode i either watch bomb plant or follow not to close tho to the bomb carrier and i always listen to the leader and the other members. i like to keep un cover and try and make it hard for the enemy to spot me. as soon as i see a player i will tell the rest of my team try to track where there team are going and try to kill them.

Why do you want to join ToG? very good clan have a very good record on gb and cg and i wanna get more competitive. also they not there not one of those clan which when they get beat just go and quit and they got some amazing players

What do you think you would offer ToG? well i can give you good teamwork like speaking and comunicating in a clan match and thing like that. i will listen to the team and the leader and i can also give you good skill.

Why choose ToG? well very well known and also very good at gaming and they have a very good record behind them. they have some of the best players on cod4 cod5 killzone and also they look like and freindly clan and very well organised and look competive.

How active are you? every day accept thursday from 6.30 till 9.00 i will be on alot so i can get better at the games i play and if i get in then i could practice with you guys and learn new skills and tactics

How long have you been gaming? since the ps2 but didnt start online gaming until xbox 360 on the 360 i was in clan on gears of war which went ok and i was very good at gears then i sold my xbox and got a ps3 i played on cod4 warhawk rb6v2 and other shooters where i join clan like THC and UTM then i made my own clan with a couple of friends

Previous clan:UTM

What would you do? Not Clan War Related

1) You’re in a hard objective game, some of your team gets disconnected. It’s 6vs3, you’re one of the 3. What do you do? well keep with my men,talk together watch different ways where there team could come from and try to get the othere team member back in

2) The other team starts to glitch/cheat to kill you. What do you do?
try to kill them by where they have to get out the map so every time they try do a glitch i would shoot them

3) Your playing an objective based mode, how would you help the team?
well talk to my team members tell them where to enemy are and protect the bomb carier or protect the base.

4) The other team has been beating you the entire round & spawn killing you, there’s 2/3minuites left. What do you do?
try to do my best never give up


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-03-05

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xGUDZx app Empty Re: xGUDZx app

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:26 pm

very good app mate best one for a while. you've added me on ps3 I see so join my games when your on and I'll look in to you. GL Very Happy
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2009-02-07
Age : 31
Location : Nottz

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xGUDZx app Empty Re: xGUDZx app

Post  xGUDZx Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:54 am

thanks alot mate i will be on today


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-03-05

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