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V3NOM's app

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V3NOM's app Empty V3NOM's app

Post  V3NOM Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:42 am

PSN:iGz-DynamiiCZ (need to change)
XBL:x iG x V3NOM (wanna change)
Age[minimum 14]:14
Can you attend LANs ?:yes
Headset:yes on both consoles
E-Mail - my very ollld one
Status: [e.g clanless]:Clanless
Your Style of Play ? Sometime run in the hq or domination type things to save whats being taken, otherwise i go round back sometimes to annoy, and snipe on to capture based games , domination ect.Search type games i go slowly forward comminicating with my team-mates

Why do you want to join ToG? Because there a clan that'll never disband after a few games , There nice peps and a good clan

What do you think you would offer ToG?
my good communication skillz , my brilliance in cod (sometimes lmaoo) and alot more jus too tired to think soz =[

Why choose ToG? there good clan , good peps and have good communcation skillz and wont disband after one game or a few games

How active are you? from 3pm - 9.30 pm weekdays , weekend mostly

How long have you been gaming? 2005/6

Previous clan:xiGx , -eX- , GAS*

What would you do? Not Clan War Related

1) You’re in a hard objective game, some of your team gets disconnected. It’s 6vs3, you’re one of the 3. What do you do? work together in the 3 and try our best to win the game and communicate with them

2) The other team starts to glitch/cheat to kill you. What do you do? camp back with sniper and kill them if in glitches that u see otherwise carry on with the game and stay out of there paths

3) Your playing an objective based mode, how would you help the team? communicate and listen to wat they need me to do or go round back to take the opponents out for my team to capture ect

4) The other team has been beating you the entire round & spawn killing you, there’s 2/3minuites left. What do you do? try my best , communicate and try to go spawn kill them


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-03-14

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V3NOM's app Empty Re: V3NOM's app

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:35 am

ok not a bad app but tbh we arent recruiting players for CoD just KZ2
Time For A New Keyboard?

Posts : 194
Join date : 2009-02-07
Age : 31
Location : Nottz

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V3NOM's app Empty Re: V3NOM's app

Post  V3NOM Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:59 am

ah just lukin 4 cod lol


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-03-14

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