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Ministry of Gamers

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Ministry of Gamers Empty Ministry of Gamers

Post  Batch Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:39 am

Ministry of Gamers is a brand new gaming community website aimed at all gamers on all console formats and MoG is proud to be partnered up with Twisted Original Gamers.

When visitors join up to MoG, everyone is able to contribute to the website by posting articles, reviews, blog posts and even videos as all members of MoG are automatically set to Author role to allow them to do that. MoG is aiming to become a social gaming community by allowing members to contribute.

MoG has a video gallery feature to let visitors and regulars to watch the latest videos added to the MoG TV video gallery from video reviews and trailers to walkthrough guides & cheats and classic gaming moments from the old days. Again, not only does MoG post videos but also those who join can also post videos up and contribute to the website even further.

The forum aims to bring the gaming community together by discussing various topics whatever is on the members' minds and, like the website, caters for all gamers on different consoles. Our forum intends to be the most friendly gaming forum you'll find.

MoG covers all the latest in the happenings of the recently released PlayStation Home from fun happenings to the latest news in upcoming spaces and new features on the way as well as the latest additions added to the Shopping Centre space. MoG also has a clubhouse set up for everyone with a PS3 who joins the website.

Ministry of Gamers also organise events such as gaming nights and tournaments. We intend to bring more gaming nights for all formats very soon on various games. We will organise some tournaments very soon for anyone to join in.

MoG will bring more things to the website very soon. We'd appreciate all the feedback and ideas from the gaming community to become a very popular website. Recently, we have added a new Community feature that acts just like your favourite social networking websites and this aims to bring Ministry of Gamers more sociable and bring the gaming community together. This is currently in a Beta stage so improvements and additional features will be added before the final release and removal of the Beta tag.

We look forward to welcoming you all to Ministry of Gamers when you have signed up.

Visit Ministry of Gamers at


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Join date : 2009-02-13

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Ministry of Gamers Empty Re: Ministry of Gamers

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:09 am

Batch hi mate. I'll get our webmaster to put that on the home page. welcome to the forums bud
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