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ToG Recruitment Form

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ToG Recruitment Form Empty ToG Recruitment Form

Post  Admin Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:33 am

You must have these to stand a chance of getting in.

- A Playstation 3 or Xbox 360
- A working headset
- Be willing and able to attend LAN events
- Be at least 14 years old and over.
- A good attitude & easy to get along with personality
- Be a good communicator
- Be committed to gaming /play very often
- Be a TEAM player

- Not be a stat whore. (must not leave games if you are playing bad/cba etc you started the game, so finish it !)
- Use/Check our forums regularly to be up to date with what we are doing
- MSN messenger so it's easy to reach you
- You MUST want to win!

To be eligible for a trial please Copy and paste the post Below into a new topic

Thank You And Good Luck.

P.S a few things to make your app better would be to make sure it detailed not just one liners also stay active on the forums. Also after you have filled in the app add all of the co-leaders and leaders on the platform which you are applying for.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-02-07

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ToG Recruitment Form Empty Re: ToG Recruitment Form

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:31 am

Trial Application

Age[minimum 14]:
Can you attend LANs ?
E-Mail Address:
Status: [e.g clanless]
Your Style of Play ?

Why do you want to join ToG?

What do you think you would offer ToG?

Why choose ToG?

How active are you?

How long have you been gaming?

Previous clan:

What would you do? Not Clan War Related

1) You’re in a hard objective game, some of your team gets disconnected. It’s 6vs3, you’re one of the 3. What do you do?

2) The other team starts to glitch/cheat to kill you. What do you do?

3) Your playing an objective based mode, how would you help the team?

4) The other team has been beating you the entire round & spawn killing you, there’s 2/3minuites left. What do you do?
Time For A New Keyboard?

Posts : 194
Join date : 2009-02-07
Age : 31
Location : Nottz

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