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My Applcation [MinteD-] Hope You Guy's Read

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My Applcation [MinteD-]  Hope You Guy's Read Empty My Applcation [MinteD-] Hope You Guy's Read

Post  MinteD- Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:46 pm

Trial Application

Name:Lee Bee
XBL:o0 BonkerZ 0o
Age[minimum 14]:15 16 in april
Can you attend LANs ?: Yeah obv depending on the area and how long
Location:Gourock,Scotland (just outside glasgow)
Headset:a nokia headset and a ps eye
Skype:Don't do skype
Status: i am xl gaming and i am looking for a gb clan i think my current clan is going to disband
Your Style of Play ?:i am SMG'ER i run and gun can play any style

Why do you want to join ToG?:Great clan played with of a few guys on cod 4 b4 really gr8 good communication and i am sick of joining clans that disban over 1 loss which i think xl gaming is currently going to do and i need a clan that i know that will not disban over a silly lose and can enjoy clan wars instead of the rest of my team taking it too seriously

What do you think you would offer ToG?:i can offer lots and could help the team to maintain a more winning streak with the rest of the lads and i can cover for some1 in the team if they cant make it to a clan match as i am very active on the ps3

Why choose ToG?:as i says before it is a really good clan as i have played with a few guys b4 on cod 4 and they had really good communication and other clan don't have that which is a key thing in cw etc....

How active are you?:very active play on the ps3 for continues hours

How long have you been gaming?:been gaming all my life only started playing online last year but i did play counter strike online before on the pc a few times and like it

Previous clan:[SCO]Scottish Community Online
[xL]xL Gaming
[SsS]Scottish Sniper Squad
[AoN]Army Of Nort

What would you do? Not Clan War Related

1) You’re in a hard objective game, some of your team gets disconnected. It’s 6vs3, you’re one of the 3. What do you do?:

just keep owning the C***S because more people will join anyway lol

2) The other team starts to glitch/cheat to kill you. What do you do?:

then you glitch and beat them and see how they like it as it's not a clan war anyway

3) Your playing an objective based mode, how would you help the team?:
key thing is communication to win a game

4) The other team has been beating you the entire round & spawn killing you, there’s 2/3minuites left. What do you do?:
work out and try a new route(tactic) and see how it go's


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-02-16

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My Applcation [MinteD-]  Hope You Guy's Read Empty Re: My Applcation [MinteD-] Hope You Guy's Read

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:07 pm

good app mate. looking forward to playing a few games with you
Time For A New Keyboard?

Posts : 194
Join date : 2009-02-07
Age : 31
Location : Nottz

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