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Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_

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Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_ Empty Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_

Post  iRaTeD-Liam Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:55 am

Name: Liam
PSN: Liam___2008 and iRaTeD_ (i use liam___2008 for ranking up and iRaTeD_ for clan wars)
XBL: Dont Like
Age[minimum 14]: 15
Can you attend LANs ? I'm from Leeds, so if its not too far away then yes.
Nationality: English
Location: Leeds/Yorkshire
Headset: Yess!!
E-Mail Address: I'm always on at same time as playing ps3
MSN: Same as email adress,
Skype: Nope
Status: [CG:Clanless GB:Leaving a clan as soon as season ends so i can leave lol]
Your Style of Play ? Cod4: Very Very Tactical.. use of m4/m16/mp5..dont run out on cod4 unless a 2v1 opportunity. Cod5: Defending SnD: i will stay back near a bomb in clan wars but if team pushes forward so will i. In TDM/HQ etc.. i like to rush as i'm good at it but if its a close game i will stay back and do whatever the team wants me to do. Overall: SnD.. i rush rape and reload Lol.. But in clan wars i like to stay with 1 member of my team.. eg. split up into 2's and flank them. Everything else im a team player and when given an order, i will do so..!!

Why do you want to join ToG? Because i've played 35 days of cod4 and cod5 and i believe im good enough to become pro. I practise 1v1s 2v2s 3v3s etc.. everyday in private matches from RADAR SnD to NON RADAR TDM. I Believe i will bring alot of skill factor, especially cod5, and will give the team that extra edge on clan wars.

What do you think you would offer ToG? Once again, i think i would give the clan that extra edge on clan wars as well as having a very good personality in general and when a team mate is doing bad, i won't shout at him, ill encourage him to do better.

Why choose ToG? Because it was on the CG Forums and i've seen you at the top of GB alot aswell and was asking myself,"Am i goood enough to be up there", and after carrying plenty of clans to 3rd 4th in the EU ladder, i think i can. So thats why i chose ToG, because they're the BEST!!

How active are you? Weekdays 5pm-10pm Weekends 12pm-12am..... i will obviously be only on about 5 hours on weekends and 2-3 hours on weekdays but in general terms, about them times..

How long have you been gaming? Since Last Easter so 1 year but i'm smart so i became good quite fast.

Previous clan: CG: i was offered DeV, i turned down... offered BS i turned down and hopefully this will be my first CG clan?? GB: B3K went to 3rd EU with 50-10 CAB went to 6thEU with 42-1..They're the best EVER RADAR SnD team in the EU Ladder. But Disbanded as wilsonator911 kicked everyone. I have made my own clans which went to like 15-20th with 15-1 and stuff but i carried badly.

What would you do? Not Clan War Related

1) You’re in a hard objective game, some of your team gets disconnected. It’s 6vs3, you’re one of the 3. What do you do?
SnD: i know i have the potential so rush their spawn locations. HQ: Dont enter the HQ but just outside and hold them off whilst my team mates capture it. (because if i stay in HQ i will get naded, and if i stay outside i wont which means i can hold them off easier) CTF: DEFEND THE FLAG Domination: Capture B 1st essential!!.. teammates go back for C or A.. and i defend B in a camping position.

2) The other team starts to glitch/cheat to kill you. What do you do? Get a picture and report them afterwards. But before that, i would find their weak spots and kill them, then camp by the glitch location until they give up.

3) Your playing an objective based mode, how would you help the team? Give them covering fire and flank the opposition when attacking. Defend the objective when defending and when team mates need help, i will do my best to help them where ever they are..

4) The other team has been beating you the entire round & spawn killing you, there’s 2/3minuites left. What do you do? I know you may not like this but if i havn't already got it on, put juggernaut on and camp for 30 seconds until u killed enough around you so they can't spawn kill you. Then get your team mates to follow you as you rush towards them to try and accomplish a comeback.

Thanks for the opportunity for signing up. Hope you think it through and see that i have the potential to add something to this team. Thanks ~Liam!!!


Posts : 10
Join date : 2009-03-27

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Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_ Empty Re: Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:44 pm

cant fault the app mate good luck
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Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_ Empty Re: Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_

Post  iRaTeD-Liam Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:53 pm

Cheers Mate, 1 thing lmao.. my ps3 broke 5 minutes ago. Help? Hard disk broke, no waranty


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Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_ Empty Re: Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_

Post  ToG RAGEMAN Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:54 pm

buy any sata 2 HDD they are about £20. Or try and reformat it
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Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_ Empty Re: Cod4 or Cod5 Liam___2008/iRaTeD_

Post  iRaTeD-Liam Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:08 pm

can you send me a link mate, and if so, i will have lost my iRaTeD_ account, cant remember email, so ill have to stick to liam___2008


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